
Sunday Dec 17, 2023
Here is where to find my new show
Sunday Dec 17, 2023
Sunday Dec 17, 2023
Jeff Meyer has a new podcast. To continue hearing the same podcast you have been listening to, just in a new place with a new name follow the links below:
Jeff's new podcast is: "The Police K9 Training Podcast, with Jeff Meyer"
You can find the podcast here: https://jeffmeyer1.podbean.com/
or on Itunes here: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-police-k9-training-podcast-with-jeff-meyer/id1709817061
To see more about Jeff and the classes that are offered, go to www.PoliceK9Training.net
To contact Jeff, his new email is: JeffMeyer1@outlook.com

Friday Dec 08, 2023
Big News! Listen to this episode to find my new podcast!
Friday Dec 08, 2023
Friday Dec 08, 2023
Jeff Meyer has a new podcast. To continue hearing the same podcast you have been listening to, just in a new place with a new name follow the links below:
Jeff's new podcast is: "The Police K9 Training Podcast, with Jeff Meyer"
You can find the podcast here: https://jeffmeyer1.podbean.com/
or on Itunes here: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-police-k9-training-podcast-with-jeff-meyer/id1709817061
To contact Jeff, his new email is: JeffMeyer1@outlook.com
Check out www.PoliceK9training.net to see all the classes Jeff is offering

Saturday Jul 29, 2023
Dog on Dog Aggression Issues with Jeff Meyer
Saturday Jul 29, 2023
Saturday Jul 29, 2023
Jeff Meyer has a new podcast. To continue hearing the same podcast you have been listening to, just in a new place with a new name follow the links below:
Jeff's new podcast is: "The Police K9 Training Podcast, with Jeff Meyer"
You can find the podcast here: https://jeffmeyer1.podbean.com
or on Itunes here: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-police-k9-training-podcast-with-jeff-meyer/id1709817061
To contact Jeff, his new email is: JeffMeyer1@outlook.com
Check out www.PoliceK9training.net to see all the classes Jeff is offering
In this episode of HITS k9 Radio, host Jeff Meyer talks about dog that are aggressive to other dogs. Jeff will be teaching a class at HITS 2023 that is designed to help handlers train this undesirable trait our of their working dogs.
For more information about HITS K9 Seminars, go to www.HITSK9.net

Monday Jun 19, 2023
Marker Training for Detection Dogs with Jeff Meyer
Monday Jun 19, 2023
Monday Jun 19, 2023
Jeff Meyer has a new podcast. To continue hearing the same podcast you have been listening to, just in a new place with a new name follow the links below:
Jeff's new podcast is: "The Police K9 Training Podcast, with Jeff Meyer"
You can find the podcast here: https://jeffmeyer1.podbean.com/
or on Itunes here: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-police-k9-training-podcast-with-jeff-meyer/id1709817061
To contact Jeff, his new email is: JeffMeyer1@outlook.com
Check out www.PoliceK9training.net to see all the classes Jeff is offering
In this episode of HITS k9 Radio, host Jeff Meyer revisits using markers for detection dogs. Jeff will be teaching this class at HITS 2023. If you are interested in taking your detection training to the next level, this podcast can help.
For more information about HITS K9 Seminars, go to www.HITSK9.net

Thursday May 25, 2023
Reducing Conflict with Eric Stanbro
Thursday May 25, 2023
Thursday May 25, 2023
Jeff Meyer has a new podcast. To continue hearing the same podcast you have been listening to, just in a new place with a new name follow the links below:
Jeff's new podcast is: "The Police K9 Training Podcast, with Jeff Meyer"
You can find the podcast here: https://jeffmeyer1.podbean.com
or on Itunes here: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-police-k9-training-podcast-with-jeff-meyer/id1709817061
To contact Jeff, his new email is: JeffMeyer1@outlook.com
Check out www.PoliceK9training.net to see all the classes Jeff is offering
Jeff Meyer talks with HITS Instructor Eric Stanbro about things you and your training program have been doing over the years that leads conflict between handler and K9. Jeff and Eric discuss the similarities and differences in the way they teach E-Collar Classes.
For more information about HITS K9 Seminars, go to www.HITSK9.net
To contact Jeff Meyer, email him at Jeff@HITSK9.net

Friday May 19, 2023
Jeff Meyer interviews HITS Instructor Todd Wilbur about Bomb Dog Training
Friday May 19, 2023
Friday May 19, 2023
Jeff Meyer has a new podcast. To continue hearing the same podcast you have been listening to, just in a new place with a new name follow the links below:
Jeff's new podcast is: "The Police K9 Training Podcast, with Jeff Meyer"
You can find the podcast here: https://jeffmeyer1.podbean.com
or on Itunes here: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-police-k9-training-podcast-with-jeff-meyer/id1709817061
To contact Jeff, his new email is: JeffMeyer1@outlook.com
Check out www.PoliceK9training.net to see all the classes Jeff is offering
Todd Wilbur is a former special operations tier 1 (Delta) bomb technician and explosive materials expert. He has identified/disposed of/decommissioned several thousand bombs. Hear Todd and Jeff discuss various topics that are important to bomb dog handlers and trainers.
For more information about HITS K9 Seminars, go to www.HITSK9.net
To contact Jeff, email him at Jeff@HITSK9.net

Wednesday May 03, 2023
Common Issues That Many K9 Units Face
Wednesday May 03, 2023
Wednesday May 03, 2023
Jeff Meyer has a new podcast. To continue hearing the same podcast you have been listening to, just in a new place with a new name follow the links below:
Jeff's new podcast is: "The Police K9 Training Podcast, with Jeff Meyer"
You can find the podcast here: https://jeffmeyer1.podbean.com
or on Itunes here: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-police-k9-training-podcast-with-jeff-meyer/id1709817061
To contact Jeff, his new email is: JeffMeyer1@outlook.com
Check out www.PoliceK9training.net to see all the classes Jeff is offering
In this episode of HITS K9 Radio, host Jeff Meyer talks with fellow HITS owner Jeff Barrett about a recent article he wrote speaking about the common shortcomings of some K9 units. Hear both Jeff's discuss some very common things that we see across the country and what some solutions are.
To contact Jeff Meyer, email him at Jeff@HITSK9.net
For more information about HITS K9 Seminars, go to www.HITSK9.net
For more information about our first ever Smart Dog Training Conference that is open to everyone go to www.mysmartdog.net

Monday Apr 10, 2023
Trainers Panel from HITS K9 Advanced Patrol Dog Class in GA
Monday Apr 10, 2023
Monday Apr 10, 2023
Jeff Meyer has a new podcast. To continue hearing the same podcast you have been listening to, just in a new place with a new name follow the links below:
Jeff's new podcast is: "The Police K9 Training Podcast, with Jeff Meyer"
You can find the podcast here: https://jeffmeyer1.podbean.com
or on Itunes here: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-police-k9-training-podcast-with-jeff-meyer/id1709817061
To contact Jeff, his new email is: JeffMeyer1@outlook.com
Check out www.PoliceK9training.net to see all the classes Jeff is offering
Join HITS K9 Jeff Meyer as he hosts a trainers panel of HITS Instructors who were all together teaching an Advanced Patrol Dog Class in Georgia.
To contact Jeff, email him at Jeff@HITSK9.net
For more information about HITS K9 seminars go to www.HITSK9.net

Wednesday Mar 29, 2023
Jeff Meyer Interviews Police Attorney Taylor Rahn
Wednesday Mar 29, 2023
Wednesday Mar 29, 2023
Jeff Meyer has a new podcast. To continue hearing the same podcast you have been listening to, just in a new place with a new name follow the links below:
Jeff's new podcast is: "The Police K9 Training Podcast, with Jeff Meyer"
You can find the podcast here: https://jeffmeyer1.podbean.com
or on Itunes here: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-police-k9-training-podcast-with-jeff-meyer/id1709817061
To contact Jeff, his new email is: JeffMeyer1@outlook.com
Check out www.PoliceK9training.net to see all the classes Jeff is offering
In this episode of HITS K9 Radio, hear Jeff Meyer talk with Taylor Rahn. Taylor is a attorney in New Mexico who specializes in defending police officers. Taylor gives some great advice and insight that will help protect you while doing your job.
To learn more about HITS K9 Seminars: go to www.HITSK9.net
To contact Jeff, email him at: Jeff@HITSK9.net

Monday Mar 20, 2023
Part 2 of Training Narcotics Dogs on Fentanyl
Monday Mar 20, 2023
Monday Mar 20, 2023
Jeff Meyer has a new podcast. To continue hearing the same podcast you have been listening to, just in a new place with a new name follow the links below:
Jeff's new podcast is: "The Police K9 Training Podcast, with Jeff Meyer"
You can find the podcast here: https://jeffmeyer1.podbean.com
or on Itunes here: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-police-k9-training-podcast-with-jeff-meyer/id1709817061
To contact Jeff, his new email is: JeffMeyer1@outlook.com
Check out www.PoliceK9training.net to see all the classes Jeff is offering
This episode is part 2 of our 2 part series discussing training narcotics dogs on Fentanyl. In this episode Jeff Meyer talks with K9 expert Gary Hadden about ways he has successfully introduced this training to his agency.
To contact Jeff Meyer email him at Jeff@HITSK9.net
For more information about HITS K9 seminars for Law Enforcement, go to www.HITSK9.net
For more information for our civilian dog training event, go to www.mysmartdog.net